Bible translation language listings

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ublBikol, Buhi'nonPhilippinesAsia-

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aiyAliCentral African RepublicAfrica-
alzAlurDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
asvAsoaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bbmBabangoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bcpBaliDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bizBaloiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bmgBamweDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bjoBanda, Mid-SouthernCentral African RepublicAfrica-
lnlBanda, South CentralCentral African RepublicAfrica-
torBanda, Togbo-VaraDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bbpBanda, West CentralCentral African RepublicAfrica-
liyBanda-BambariCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bpdBanda-BandaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bqkBanda-MbrèsCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bflBanda-NdéléCentral African RepublicAfrica-
yajBanda-YangereCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bxgBangalaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bbeBangbaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bniBangiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bnxBangubanguDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
brmBarambuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bkfBeekeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bmbBembeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bctBendiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
brfBeraDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bhyBheleDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bipBilaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bpjBinjiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bvqBirriCentral African RepublicAfrica-
boyBodoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bffBofiCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bquBoguruDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bkpBokoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bdtBokotoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bliBoliaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bktBolokiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bzmBolondoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bohBomaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bmlBomboliDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bwsBombomaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bzoBozabaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
buuBuduDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bjaBudzaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bkgBurakaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bufBushoongDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
byyBuyaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
byiBuyuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bwwBwaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bwlBwelaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
cesCzechCzech RepublicEurope-
cseCzech Sign LanguageCzech RepublicEurope-
dgkDagbaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
deqDendiCentral African RepublicAfrica-
dezDengeseDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
dizDingDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
doqDominican Sign LanguageDominican RepublicAmericas-
dooDongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
dznDzandoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
efeEfeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
geyEnyaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
fomFomaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
flrFuliiruDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
fuuFuruDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
gnzGanziCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gbvGbanuCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gbgGbanziriCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gtiGbati-riDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
gyaGbaya, NorthwestCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gsoGbaya, SouthwestCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gbpGbaya-BossangoaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gbqGbaya-BozoumCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gygGbayiCentral African RepublicAfrica-
geqGemeCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gixGilimaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
goxGobuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kcmGulaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
gdiGundiCentral African RepublicAfrica-
hbaHambaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
havHavuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nixHemaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
hemHembaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
hooHoloholoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
hkeHundeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
humHunganaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
jobJobaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kspKabaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
kcwKabwariDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kkqKaikuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kzyKangoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ktyKangoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
khxKanuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
knyKanyokDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kahKaraCentral African RepublicAfrica-
kbnKareCentral African RepublicAfrica-
kbjKariDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kelKelaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
khyKeleDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kcvKeteDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ktuKitubaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kmwKomoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kwyKongo, San SalvadorDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kngKoongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kuwKpaguaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
kplKpalaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kymKpatiliCentral African RepublicAfrica-
ksvKusuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ktfKwamiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
kwsKweseDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lalLaliaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lnaLangbasheCentral African RepublicAfrica-
lgmLega-MwengaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
leaLega-ShabundaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lelLeleDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ledLenduDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lejLengolaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lesLeseDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lizLibinzaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lgzLigenzaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
likLikaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lieLikilaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
bmeLimassaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
linLingalaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
loqLobalaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
logLogoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lmiLombiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
looLomboDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lnzLonzoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
luaLuba-KasaiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lubLuba-KatangaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lujLunaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lseLusengoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ndyLutosCentral African RepublicAfrica-
lwaLwaluDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
msjMaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mmzMabaaleDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mdiMamvuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mdjMangbetuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mdkMangbutuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mzvManzaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
mycMayekaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mdmMayogoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mfcMbaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mdpMbalaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
zmzMbandjaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mgnMbangiCentral African RepublicAfrica-
mdnMbatiCentral African RepublicAfrica-
zmsMbesaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
zmwMboDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mdqMboleDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
zmfMfinuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
zmqMitukuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mwzMoingiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
lolMongo-NkunduDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mnhMonoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mcxMpiemoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
zmpMpuonoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
mxhMvubaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nnbNandeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ndkNdakaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ndwNdoboDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ndlNdoloDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ndtNdungaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ngdNgandoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
nxdNgandoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ngaNgbakaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nbmNgbaka Ma'boCentral African RepublicAfrica-
nggNgbaka ManzaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
ngbNgbandi, NorthernDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nbwNgbandi, SouthernDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
jgbNgbeeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nbdNgbindaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nuuNgbunduDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
aghNgelimaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
niyNgitiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ngcNgombeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nmjNgombeCentral African RepublicAfrica-
noqNgongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nloNgulDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nueNgunduDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nkwNkutuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ntoNtombaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nljNyaliDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nyjNyangaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nycNyanga-liDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nygNyinduDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
nzkNzakaraCentral African RepublicAfrica-
omlOmboDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
omiOmiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
paePagibeteDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
pmbPambiaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
pnzPanaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
bkjPandeCentral African RepublicAfrica-
pppPelendeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
pemPhendeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
pofPokeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
rmcRomani, CarpathianCzech RepublicEurope-
rndRuundDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sktSakataDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
slxSalampasuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
smxSambaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sngSangaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sagSangoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
snjSango, RiverainCentral African RepublicAfrica-
kojSara DunjoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
sbzSara KabaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
kdgSebaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
szgSengeleDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
swfSereDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
shrShiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
socSoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
shcSondeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sopSongeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sooSongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
soeSongomenoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sodSongooraDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
subSukuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
sqmSumaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
swcSwahili, CongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tapTaabwaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tbmTagbuDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tekTeke, IbaliDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tbtTemboDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tmvTemboDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tllTetelaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
tiiTieneDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ukhUkhwejoCentral African RepublicAfrica-
vaeValeCentral African RepublicAfrica-
vauVanumaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
wonWongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
axkYakaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
yafYakaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ykyYakomaCentral African RepublicAfrica-
ymgYamongeriDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
yngYangoDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
ynsYansiDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
yelYelaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
yomYombeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
yulYuluCentral African RepublicAfrica-
zneZandeDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-
zmbZimbaDemocratic Republic of the CongoAfrica-

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